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Clean Air News


Colchester Borough Council’s CAReless Pollution campaign was awarded ‘Highly Commended’ in the Consumer Engagement/Marketing Campaign of the Year category at the Edie Sustainability Leaders Awards. It was one of only three entries to be given this honour, from nearly 200 finalists across 23 different award entry categories.

The CAReless Pollution campaign was established in 2020 to tackle poor air quality in Colchester. The aim is to encourage drivers to switch off their vehicle engines when stationary, cutting pollution by up to 30%. It was created and developed in consultation with Colchester residents and organisations. It has been rolled out locally to schools and businesses, and it supports local residents in undertaking awareness raising activity in their own area.

In the 12 months following the launch, there has been a 9% increase in engine switch-off. The campaign has received funding from the government Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to run for another 12 months.

Clean Air Colchester is a key partner in the CAReless Pollution campaign, helping to tackle the worrying levels of air pollution in the centre of our town. Vehicle emissions are the main cause of toxic substances in our air, and it’s crucial we all work together to encourage local drivers to switch off their engines when stationary, and to switch to cycling and walking for shorter journeys.

The Gazette recently ran a story about how businesses in Colchester are supporting the CAReless Pollution campaign. An accompanying poll revealed that 59% of respondents switch off their car engine whilst stationary either always, most of the time or sometimes.

You can read the full story here:

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Clean Air Colchester is a Community project hosted by en-form. 

en-form is a Registered Charity number: 1083216 
and a non-profit company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales No: 03881968

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